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Friday, April 12, 2019

Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release on Threats to Snow Hll Middle School


  1. Very scary that a deranged 8th grader let alone two would contemplate something like this.

  2. Matt Crisafulli is a freaking joke.

  3. Why would you say that Matt is a joke? Because your candidate didn't win? This incident could have been tragic if it had come to fruition and all you have to say is a disparaging comment about law enforcement.

    1. You must not know Matt was only a school resource officer who had no experience running a department. Hopefully he will not drop the ball. The incident was stopped by the child who stood up and told, not law enforcement.

  4. Why didn't the Sheriff or school superintendent speak about how this young girl has been continuously bullied for years while in school and nothing was done despite the many complaints by her parents. Time to pull some records !!

    1. If she’s been constantly bullied and no one has helped, then I guess I see why she felt such rage.

    2. There are currently several students at SHMS who are bullied, even by the principal, who no one is listening to or helping. There are students who take it into their own hands bc they are done with nothing being done and get punished.


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