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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Williams College Students Demand Censorship on Campus Because ‘Free Speech Harms’

Williams College is planning to review and revise its policies due to student outrage over a faculty petition to adopt principles in favor of free speech on campus. Student protesters claim that “free speech harms” minorities and therefore, must be curtailed.

Faculty at Williams College are seeking to adopt the “Chicago principles,” which free speech advocates consider “the gold standard of free speech philosophy,” according to a report by Inside Higher Ed. The proposal has reportedly sparked backlash among students, who are demanding that speech be curtailed on campus.

The Chicago principles, formally known as the “Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression,” are a set of guidelines that were published by the University of Chicago, acknowledging that universities should uphold free speech on their campuses. The guidelines are also endorsed and championed by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).

“Students were just screaming that we were trying to ‘kill them,'” said associate professor Luana S.Maroja. She said that the students eventually started to yell at the white male professors, demanding that they sit down and “acknowledge their privilege.”


[Flashback: Williams College Student Newspaper Endorses Racially Segregated Ho


  1. WTH bizzaro world did I wake up to this morning? College students demanding NOT to have free speech.

    It is hump day Mike, isn't it?

    I dare not turn on CNN, might see that Hillary is in charge...or something worse!

    I hope it's only 2 days until TGIF!!!!

  2. Those kids are morons. I hope that offends and hurts them.

  3. Did they go to college to further their education? Not sure exactly what they consider their privilege? Respect is in the answer. Respect each other and your freedom of speech will come naturally.


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