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Monday, April 01, 2019



  1. I'm all for getting criminals off the street, but dude got 20 years for essentially a bar fight???? And we wonder why the system is the way it is. Alot easier to reform them while they are young that feed and house them in prison for 20+ years. We would save so much money removing these folks at a much younger age and putting them into a positive environment with strong male role models (someone say boot camp?) anywhere between middle and highschool, than to let them get to this point.

    1. 3:54- You're one extremely ignorant Snowflake! Assault and robbery is not a bar fight, by far. Also, violated probation. He was also accompanied by his gang in the assault. But let him off you say. It's not up to us to steer him right. It's called acting like an adult, not an animal.

    2. Dude, take a deeper dive into the actual story before you spout nonsense. Sherlock please also tell me where I said anything about letting him off. There really is no point in arguing with folks that bring their fantasies to a debate. Lol

    3. 5:38- What fantasy are you referring to? There is no fantasy in posting on a blog.
      Are you stupid?

      "Letting him off", or "a slap on the wrist" is how your comments are easily inferred, and I'm well aware of the actual story.

      I'm not debating you. I was a bartender for 15 years. That is not a bar fight, as you feel is the appropriate analogy. I stand by my original comments and feel it's necessary to add, you're a complete idiot. Lol, Tool.

    4. "What fantasy are you referring to?". "How your comments are easily inferred.." see you are starting to catch on..you answered your own question in a single comment.

    5. 5:15: Try to make sense w/ your next post. Did I trigger you? Poor baby

  2. 3:54...this isn't exactly this dude's first rodeo. He's amassed a decent number of felonies already, he's going where he belongs.

  3. Northwest Woodsman: I fantasize about constructing a double chain link fence along with razor wire completely around some worthless desert acreage in Arizona, relocate all current residents and segregate these clowns. No prison, just let them fend for themselves without any outside assistance. There are vast amounts of territory that could be used for this purpose and I think of the huge sums of taxpayer dollars that could be saved by eliminating about 85% of the current criminal justice system. Better yet, how about exporting them back to their ancestral homelands and let them build a society as best suits their needs and abilities. Had president Lincoln not been assassinated, that might have been accomplished. He along with prominent politicians of the day recognized that there was no way in which we could live in racial harmony with blacks.

  4. They always find out that they are no where near as big and bad as they think they are.


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