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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

WARNING: Netflix prices are increasing yet again in May

WASHINGTON (SBG) -- After streaming service Netflix increased pricing for customers back in January, the company is now warning customers they are set to do so again beginning in May.

If you're a subscriber to Netflix's standard plan, your bill will go up from $10.99 to $12.99. Subscribers to the premium plan will face an increase from $13.99 to $15.99. Variety reports subscribers of Netflix's basic plan will also see increases in pricing for the first time. The subscription will go up to $8.99 from the current price of $7.99.

These announcements come as other streaming services are set to launch soon. Disney's version of Netflix, known as Disney+, is expected to launch in late 2019 (at the same time Disney content leaves Netflix) and will feature content from Star Wars and Marvel. It is unknown how much the service is expected to cost.



  1. Disney's going to suck the life out of the Star Wars and Marvel franchises.

  2. 7:14- Gonna lay some geek on you. Born in 1976, my first word was Batman. I couldn't be happy with Disney handling the reigns to both franchises. Out of about 25 films over the last 10 years there have been only several misses. Iron Man 2, which is not that bad if you are a fan. Iron Man 3, the Mandarin reveal was disappointing. Thor 2, Nothing at all memorable, but not bad compared to most large budget fantasy movies, and was totally redeemed with Thor 3. Star Wars Han Solo origin movie. Not a block buster, but better than all the other 90's prequels. Look at Paramount's and Sony's recent failures. I was not happy when I read Disney bought Marvel, but they have been doing right by me.

    HOWEVER, the next five years will be all about minorities, xenophobia, racism, etc. It will SUCK! It is speculated that Kevin Feige, will lament this Disney decision and in phase 5 you will likely see more classics like the Fantastic Four and X-men, now set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since purchasing Fox. It is exciting times for fans, because the Xmen and FF movies have been Shi#.

  3. Pretty much destroyed Marvel. Propaganda for perverts now.

  4. Barry, Moochelle and Lyin' Susan need mo' money! Do you REALLY want to keep supporting THEM?

  5. That sounds like the account holders problem :D

  6. I think Netflix is still an incredible value. It will be VERY difficult to convince me to drop them for another streaming service. Now that their original programming is really good too?

    They could double their cost and the value would STILL be there.


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