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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Voting for Dollars

What if correctional facility prisoners throughout the country were allowed to vote for any candidate they wanted and there just so happened to be a candidate who ran on the promise that if elected all sentences would be commuted to time served? And by voting together these prisoners constituted a majority, are there any doubts as to who would win and what the results would be?

Well, there is no need to think in the hypothetical for the answer because the results of such a system are seen in most major liberal cities across the United States. And it's all done legally by nonworking people who vote for Democrat candidates promising to overtax hardworking Americans to pay for the stuff they say is "free." Ronald Reagan put it as direct as possible, “When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul's vote.” And Benjamin Franklin also warned against such practices when he said, “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

Because this system has been ongoing for decades, people accept it as business as usual when a Democrat is in office, yet outside the world of politics, people commonly refer to the practice as theft.



  1. Ummmm,,,we don't live in a democracy, This country began going downhill when we got rid of qualifications for voting,

  2. better yet why don't we let them vote for who will be the warden?

  3. Peter is not happy, I can tell you.


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