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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Trump proposes an application fee for asylum-seekers

President Trump has proposed charging an application fee to asylum-seekers as his administration tries to stem the flow of migrants surging across the southern border with Mexico.

Trump announced the proposal in a presidential memo on Monday and also called for the attorney general and secretary of Homeland Security to overhaul the immigration system.

According to recent stats, more migrants seeking asylum have been denied their applications since Trump became president.



  1. Funny. The same type of anti immigrant naysayers were alive back in the 1800's too. Had they had their way, most of your ancestors wouldn't have been allowed off the boat to "Make America Great". But its easy to forget those lessons when the new people coming are a bit more browner skinned.

    1. 8:39- You forget the big difference, we weren't sneaking in! I have no problems with immigration. My family came aboard the Carpathia, and not by climbing over a fence. We are all well aware of where we came from. Thank you Junior windbag.

  2. Soros will pay, so make it the true cost of the entire process, not some nominal charge.

  3. We need immigrants to fill unfilled jobs.

  4. They pay thousands to Coyotes to get them here are Soros pays their way so why should there not be a few to enter the US illegally

  5. 8:39 a fair point. It can be argued that illegal immigration was much easier back then. I'm obliged to agree that if these illegals were white, bible loving, english speaking people things would be different.

    It is absurd to think that people willing to risk their lives and their children's lives for a chance at a better life will have an application fee on hand. It is a cheap, easy way to continue the US's love affair with financial discrimination.

    Remember this logic was applied to all nationalities that make up this great melting pot. Too often are the faces of the poor used as a means to rally the population against the impoverished. Having billionaires pay their fair share in taxes would more than offset the inflammatory numbers presented to voters as "Look how much lazy immigrants and poor people are costing us".

    Some things never change and some people never learn. This is why history is cyclical.

  6. 8:39: No one floated the bill for my ancestors. Now we are paying over 100 billion a year for those you claim are worthy of entitlement of our tax dollars. Where is your outrage towards the treatment of our veterans?

    Also, I am Irish and Italian. My ancestors worked hard with no anticipated "entitlements." Your fake outrage is null. Take a hike, Sad Sack!


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