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Saturday, April 27, 2019

This Bridesmaid Says the Bride Suggested She Get an Abortion So Her Dress Fit Better

"About a year before the wedding, I found out I was pregnant," the woman explained.

"I was always told I couldn't have kids and so obviously my daughter was not planned but I was over the moon.

"So I told Kate, expecting excitement, right? Nope.

"She immediately told me that I was going to be so stressed trying to get my bridesmaid dress fitting on my own since I'd have to do it after everyone already had theirs (I was due in April, wedding was in June)."

"She reminded me that it was a kid free wedding, and then after thoroughly explaining how difficult her wedding would be for me, she said (verbatim) 'so don't you think it might be better for you to have an abortion?'" The woman continued.

"I had to read that one a few times.



  1. It's nearly incredible how callous some are with the lives of others.


  2. Bridezilla. Hope the groom was alerted in time to make a better choice of a spouse.

  3. Talk about a extremely shallow person. Let's KILL a baby so I look good. WOW. Tell me this world isn't becoming a SHITHOLE.

  4. That is flat sick.


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