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Friday, April 12, 2019

Sharpton, Reparations, and the Democrats

Candidates for the 2020 Democratic presidential primary election appeared at the National Action Network (NAN) annual conference. There they all bowed down at the altar of white guilt. One after another the mostly white candidates kissed the ring of the founder and leader of NAN, and the new pope of the Democratic Party primaries, the Reverend Al Sharpton. As Sharpton watched over his flock, each presidential aspirant professed support for a policy that fits squarely within Sharpton’s lifelong modus operandi -- using America’s original sin of slavery to shake dollars out of Americans suffering from white guilt.

Many know the reverend as the well-coiffed and bespoke talking head on the liberal MSNBC news talk show, "Politics Nation." However, before his made-for-TV makeover, Sharpton was a notorious race hustler and anti-Semite who played a central role in one of the biggest race hoaxes in modern times. He championed the 15-year-old black girl Tawana Brawley, who falsely accused six white men of rape, and actually got a judgment for defamation entered against him. He stoked anti-Semitic riots in Crown Heights, which led to the killing of a Jewish scholar, and in Harlem, which led to the shooting of four employees of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart before it was set on fire, burning to death seven more.

Moving from the streets to the boardroom, Sharpton formed NAN with its motto of “No Justice. No Peace.” Through NAN, he perfected the art of the shakedown -- no peace unless NAN received “just” compensation. Sharpton would accuse major American corporations of racism and use the threat of boycotts to coerce companies into making financial contributions to NAN or to himself personally. Sharpton is using similar tactics in the world of politics. He supports a bill sponsored by Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX), titled the “Commission to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African Americans Act.” The bill calls for “apology and compensation to begin the long-delayed process of atonement for slavery.”



  1. We pay reparations when that asshat pays his back taxes

  2. We're is the Sharpton IRS AUDIT ????

  3. How about getting African nation's that sold them to pay reparations

  4. And yet he has never paid his taxes like the rest of us, he also was going to leave this country if Trump won the election and yet guess who is still here? He has made $ off of the death of every young thug killed in shoot outs with the Police Dept, posing with the families of those thugs and really knows how to make any given situation that makes him the center of attention. Over 60 invitations to the White House when Obama and Queen Michelle were there. This is who our own Jake Day aspires to be!

  5. You had your EBT REPERATIONS X 50;yrs

  6. I think we should bring all slave owners up on charges.


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