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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Republicans Cannot Win If ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Remains Legal

California Republicans are determined to take back the four congressional seats they lost in Orange County in 2018, among the seven the party lost statewide.

They have some political momentum, as Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats have proven incapable of doing anything except arguing about impeaching President Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, the tactic of “ballot harvesting,” introduced last November, has made it impossible for Republicans ever to win again.

“Ballot harvesting” involves using a third party, such as a well-trained political activist, to collect mail-in ballots on behalf of other voters and deliver them to the polls.

There is no vetting of ballot harvesters, and no limit to how many ballots they can deliver.

The tactic was legalized by then-Gov. Jerry Brown in 2016, over GOP objections. Hundreds of thousands of ballots were dropped off at polling places in 2018, making a difference in key races.


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