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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Reparations are just a way to weaponize guilt

If paying reparations would buy racial amity, then the descendants of slaves would be complaining only because they didn't receive a cut of their ancestors' sale price. Reparations can't change the past.

Wouldn't acceptance of money by blacks (however the law might qualify them for the benefits) amount to approving of the sale of their ancestors, as long as they personally profit? Again, this doesn't change the morality of slavery, though it might be argued to address the economic wrong, but at the cost of involving the current generation in approving it. Accepting payment would be like agreeing that the slavery, or the sale of a human being (legal at the time), wasn't a moral wrong, but there was an economic wrong in not providing some portion of the money for the slaves and their potential descendants.

The reparations are sometimes presented as justified because the slave-owners and some businesses profited from “free labor” and “got rich.”



  1. Who has guilt
    No one alive ever owned one
    Get over it

  2. The black chief selling the black man into slavery for knives, utensils and beads does not = white man pay

  3. My family immigrated from Germany, late 1800’s. Had nothing to do with slavery. Never owned a black man or woman.

  4. Let the guilty feeling libs pay for it themselves. Do not use our tax money.

  5. Lest we forget, blacks owned slaves too. This is just another far left liberal ploy to pander and get black votes. Not only is this immoral but so condescending to the black community.

  6. As we've already seen, once reparations start, they never end.

  7. Look, alot of blacks don't want this either. Hate from this would go from 0 to 60 in 1 second, on both sides. What a moronic idea. And the ones that caused it would go home to their gated community.

  8. So will the Africans who started slavery be the ones paying the reparations? That would be the fair and just way. Aftica had long been thought to be the mother of humanity, where the first man walked the earth. Slavery started there and was there during Biblical times. Native Americans also had slavery, so it was on this land before the Europeans (white folks). Who decides who gets money and who pays.none of my ancestors had enough money to own slaves and came to the U.S. after the civil war, so no money for me or from me. This is just another way to but democratic votes.

  9. Nope. Not going to happen. Next case.

  10. If I was of American Indian dissent, I would be hollering from the highest rooftop "where's my share"?

  11. The Demon-crats are doing/thinking everything they can to start a war. Of course this is their agenda...MHO.

  12. Does anyone really think limousine liberals will pay anything?They live through their charities and non profits and don't pay taxes now.It will come from the working class citizens.


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