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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Race in America — A Black Conservative Analysis

The latest study from Pew Research Center suggests that blacks and whites in America are not on the same page when it comes to race relations.

The survey results are dismal, with more than 80% of black respondents reporting that slavery still continues to impact their position in America today. Seventy-eight percent of black people reported that our nation hasn’t done enough to put them on equal footing with their white counterparts.

When asked if black people will ever achieve equal rights someday, 50% of black respondents agreed that racial equality isn’t likely, though only 7% of white people thought the same.

This gap in faith is staggering and suggests that significantly more white people believe racial reconciliation is possible, though half of black people do not.



  1. This article is hilarious! They are causing most of their problems... They commit the most crimes, they flaunt the law, they abuse welfare and food stamps, they are willfully unemployed, and they have the gall to axe for reparations!

    Your turd of a president set back race relations at least 50 years while increasing your dependance on the public dole!

    I know so many folks of all colors, races, creeds, genders, and preferences that are successful professionally because they got with the program - education, experience, communication skills, and family!

  2. Pretty good assessment 8:23 PM. I do not consider myself to be racist or prejudiced. Once heard a very wise man speak at a function who held a Doctorate in education who advised we all have the opportunity on an equal playing field at an early age: EDUCATION! He was black and from California. In my opinion blacks need to break the mold and stop the stereotype. Quit being the victims! Be productive members of society instead of standing idly with a hand out. There are plenty of opportunities to get trained or educated.

  3. After over 200 years of social - aid programs, we are here. Something is not working - obviously.

    We have to stop thinking within and trying to identify the misguided theory and start thinking as as a united people in the same race, the Human race.

  4. As long as our government TREATS them as oppressed, they will believe they are oppressed. The racism in America is institutionalized by our government and our politicians. Until our laws are changed, racism will be a part of who Americans are.

  5. @9:44 Amen, and only going to get worse


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