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Friday, April 05, 2019

Princeton Professor to High Schools: Send Us Students Who Can Think for Themselves

Princeton University Professor Robert George is asking American high schools to send him students who able to think critically.

Conservative Princeton Professor Robert George spoke last week at an event hosted by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and Hoover Institution. As part of his lecture on the state of education in American, George urged American high schools to send students who can think critically to Princeton.

George complained about the presence of groupthink on the Princeton campus. He suggested that many students are uncritically accepting a progressive worldview, one that emerges from publications like the New York Times.

"Students who are diverse in a myriad ways and yet alike in their viewpoints and perspectives and prejudices. Students who have absorbed what I sometimes call, the New York Times view of the world. They think what, evidently, they think they are supposed to think. They seem to have absorbed uncritically progressive ideology and they embrace it zealously, obediently, and alas dogmatically as a faith, as a kind of religion. Challenging its presuppositions and tenets is regarded not merely as wrong or heretical but unthinkable. In other words, they come to us, these students, very diverse in so many ways, and yet already in groupthink."



  1. Just another warning for stupid parents...

  2. It's all students. Even young conservatives are dogmatically stuck too. Seems there is no rational middle road where the two meet and new ideas actually develop.

  3. It'll be easier to find Hillary's missing emails and Obama's real birth certificate.
    I wouldn't hire any kid under 30. They have been so spoon-fed, they don't know how to think outside the box.

  4. To be fair to these "students" it's not like they have to learn to read, write, or show up for class to actually graduate these days.

  5. Send me rational thinkers so we can re-educate them. Schools like this ARE the problem

    1. 4:45 if they are rational thinkers, they won't need re-educating and will be able to think for themselves leaving the sheeple behind

  6. Only a select few schools actually teach their college students to think these days. Sad.

  7. Hell--they are worried about getting students who can think!!!!!!!!! Give me a break. A "graduated" high school student????--doesn't even know how to read beyond a 6th grade level. Having to take remedial English courses AFTER you have been accepted to college so you can complete college level courses just blows my mind. We no longer have an education system in this country and this has nothing to do with individual educators who I believe put forth their best efforts, but are trapped in a government controlled enterprise. But, it does has everything to do with a government controlled system that makes sure we have the trolls who will always vote for the idiots who form this government. The citizens who read this can decide my meaning. Others won't even be able to read this because it includes some four, or more, letter words. Yea, let's send the education system millions of $$$$--of your money, but not mine. I'm tired of pissing money away.


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