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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Population Math Is Adding Up to a Problem in the U.S.

For the first time in our world's recorded history, there are more elderly folks than kids.

“Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” The directive from the Creator had a purpose. But the embrace of several ideas propagated by the political Left is proving to be a problem in our current culture related to the diminished value of legacy through family.

A new United Nations report notes that for the first time in our world’s recorded history, the world has more elderly folks, aged 65 years and up, than kids, birth to five years of age. Demographers track these data not for Trivia Night, but to anticipate future economic consequences, the impact to health-care systems, the needs of infrastructure and housing, and the implications of other policies and politics. In 2018, the number of seniors were tallied at 705 million, while there were just 680 million kids five and under. That gap is projected to widen as years pass, meaning the math isn’t adding up to a sustainable future.

First, it’s an important premise to understand that each of the ideas contributing to the decline in birth rate are borne out of the belief that the more educated, sophisticated individuals all align on the Left and, therefore, the philosophies espoused by this collective must truly reflect not only intellectual superiority but also the moral high ground.



  1. Too many have been aborted. Too many women opted for careers instead of families. It is killing the 1st world countries.

    1. Corporate greed (car prices, health insurance, housing, fuel cost, ect) requiring two 40 hour pay checks for a family to maintain a middle class status. No more stay home Moms, Families can't survive on one pay check

  2. Another crap article of half truths. Look throughout the world and over history. Higher affluence has generally meant less kids. Thats especially true now when affluence takes usually getting an advanced degree. Hard to have 6 kids when you arent even in position to fully support yourself till you are close to 30.

  3. Again, the liberals are proved wrong.

  4. This was predicted MANY years ago when we started killing the pre-born babies. How STUPID was it to KILL your future Tax Base...Good Grief man; what in the hello did you expect. There are BAD Consequences for BAD Decisions/Law/Actions.

  5. “WE” ?

    Did you kill a few?

    I did NOT.


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