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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Pelosi Talks About Her Great Leadership Abilities But Trump Quickly Brings Her Back To Reality

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appeared on "60 Minutes" on Sunday to talk about the wide range of issues. Not surprisingly, Pelosi used the spotlight to talk about the "great work" the Democrats have done since they've retaken the House. Translation: she used the time to talk about how great her and her leadership is.

"The power of the Speaker is to set the agenda. We didn't have a Speaker that would bring a gun bill to the floor. We didn't have a Speaker that would bring a DREAMers issue to the floor," Pelosi said, referencing former Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI). "We do now. And that's a very big difference. The power of the Speaker is awesome. Awesome."



  1. Yo, Nancy, none of those bills made it past the Senate - because they were crappy bills. The Republicans actually got Tax reform to the President! The Republicans actually got the border wall started! The Republicans repealed the OturdlyCareLess Individual Mandate!

    You haven't done squat except to piss off most of the voters with your open borders, gun-control, and abortion rhetoric!

  2. She's from HELL , she only Leads Demon-crats !!!!! LOL

  3. Is doing more than Paul Ryan and an accomplishment? Don't think so.

  4. SO its okay for Ryan and the Republicans to vote and send a repeal the ACA over 50 times. Talk about a wast of time

  5. She is SCUM !!!! 2 term limits needed for ALL !!!!

    Get these jerks OUT of congress & my USA !!!!

  6. A Legend in her own mind!


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