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Monday, April 29, 2019

‘Outrageous’ bill may release murderers, rapists back on city streets

A state bill that could unleash hundreds of locked-up murderers, rapists and other hardened felons is incensing New York City law enforcement officials who say it would undo years of crime-fighting.

The “elder parole” bill, which would grant parole eligibility to all inmates ages 55 and up who have been in prison at least 15 years, is “outrageous and idiotic,” said Staten Island District Attorney Michael McMahon.

The legislation would even extend to those serving life without parole, a group which includes famed criminals such as ‘90s serial killer Joel Rifkin, the Queens Wendy’s massacre mastermind John Taylor, and Bronx child rapist Clarence Moss.

The rush to let killers loose leaves the families of the victims by the wayside, said Queens Chief Assistant District Attorney John Ryan.



  1. Must be a Democrat Bill !!!!!

  2. You people are morons for not seeing why they want to do this!!!! This is for money and control...

    I will Explain:

    First, they already are talking about allowing felons to vote, and this would just be the same thing, let them out to vote!!!! Also, this would ensure who's side let them out, would get the votes (dems or repubs), so they think!!!! Then you have the money side of things, where these people will commit crimes again and get locked up again, this is a circle of fuck most of you all are currently in or have experienced in your life... All those court fees and fines these people will bring in for re-committing crimes is really what they are after, OH and then they will need to hire more cops for the streets to catch these ass hats... More taxes from you to pay for more cops, and the mantra will be again "IT IS ALL FOR THE KIDS"... You will have your fake heart strings pulled, buy it hook, line and sinker every time... Also, this is a slap in the face of cops, and people who want to defend themselves but the politicians want to legislate that out of existence...

    You will see the end game is for money, taken from you to give to someone else...

  3. Either if them won't last long if released. The families are chomping at the bit for a chance at payback

  4. It's all about $$, not compassion.

  5. guess they think they need to make room for all the new criminals once they pass gun confication.WTF is wrong with these idiots..they must be luciferians

  6. We need this in Maryland, and move them here. They need compassion and love, we have lots of love here, we have rainbows painted everywhere!

  7. Murderers, Rapists, Arsonists, Assault, all of them will be released.

    Whatever you do, keep those potheads in prison


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