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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Our Imploding Educational System

Education in the U.S. is imploding. The Horatio Alger ideals of education depicting the conditions for successful fulfillment of one’s ambitions have been superseded by the ideas and ideals of John Dewey. His ideals enunciated inSchool and Society and in A Common Faith suggest the replacement of self-conscious, ambitious individuality with the replacement of a highly socialized citizen whose “faith” is in democracy and working together with others as a useful citizen. The great books curricula, popular in the 1890s, was debunked. Despite his romanticization of socialistic concepts (hidden behind the word “democracy,” a tactic not unlike that of Sen. Bernie Sanders), his views represent an attack on the individual, the family, and the foundation of America in Judeo-Christian values.

For millions, school today is simply a developmental requirement with its institutional mores and requirements, a series of hurdles to be overcome and disengaged from as soon as one reaches adulthood. The Deweyan ideal of collectivization and conformity to the industrial demands of mass production of everything from medical care to toilet paper has supplanted the Horatio Alger ideals of pre-industrial, Christian, individualistic American society. Today’s updated Deweyans on the left are more apt to admire Alger Hiss than Horatio Alger.



  1. EDUCATION SYSTEM?? Is that what they call it?? NOTHING more than a Nazi style INDOCTRINATED PROGRAM.

  2. yes 4:35 andIt is why we need SCHOOL VOUCHERS. i want my tax money to go to schools that educate and dont indoctrinate..

  3. Heathens and thugs among us.
    Seriously, it’s turning into Mad Max out there.
    Liberal logic has held contempt in school offices across the country for too long.
    They own it.

  4. I never sent my kids to public school. It's actually a ZOO. They don't teach. They Babysit. Their not teachers. Their teacher assistant's. Not degreed. CERTIFIED. It was very hard working two jobs to pay tuition. But they are both college educated from scholarship. We payed thousands but when college came around their marks got them FULL SCHOLARSHIP. So we payed thousands to get ten of thousands back in return.


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