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Friday, April 05, 2019

Norfolk hopes to move Confederate monument by having state law ruled unconstitutional

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) -- Another lawsuit that hopes to change the placement of Norfolk's Confederate monument is on the way, this one from the city itself.

The city's 80-foot tall Confederate monument has sat on Main Street since 1907.

"On top of a white, Vermont granite base stands a 15-foot figure of a Confederate soldier," according to Downtown Norfolk's website. "The monument commemorates the last reunion of surviving Confederate soldiers."

Norfolk City Attorney Bernard Pishko announced Thursday that the city would be filing a lawsuit challenging a state law that the say currently prohibits the removal or relocation of war memorials, according to Lori Crouch, a city spokeswoman.

The city plans to argue the state law violates the 1st and 5th amendments. Attorneys will argue the movement restriction violates the 1st because it is based on the content of the monument. The city plans to argue the law is in violation of the 5th Amendment because it controls the use of city property.



  1. VIRGINIA'S must be the most SPINELESS people to let these corrupt politicians ERASE their HISTORY. Those MEN are rolling in their graves.

  2. Dave T: I am a Yankee, born and raised. But those men who served the Confederacy are Americans too! Honor them and remember our history for better and worse. Erasing our history is as foolish as it is disrespectful and ignorant. These politicians are simply disgusting cowards that are a disgrace to the citizens of Virginia and the public office they hold !


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