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Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Nolte: Don’t Forget Joe Biden Exposed Himself to Female Secret Service Agents

It’s not okay that Harvey Weinstein did it. It’s not okay that Charlie Rose did it. But when we learned in 2014 that then-Vice President Joe Biden exposed his naked body to women in the Secret Service, the media didn’t care. And the media still don’t care because Orange Man Bad.

In his New York Times best-seller, The First Family Detail, award-winning investigative reporter Ronald Kessler revealed that “Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude. Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.”

He added, “Because of Biden’s lack of consideration as evidenced by that habit and his refusal to give agents advance notice of his trips back home, being assigned to his detail is considered the second worst assignment in the Secret Service after being assigned to protect Hillary Clinton.”

“Biden likes to swim nude both at his Vice President’s residence in Washington and also at his home in Wilmington which he goes back to several times a week … and this offends female Secret Service agents,” he told Fox News’s Sean Hannity. “They signed up to take a bullet for the President as you said but they didn’t sign up to — they certainly didn’t sign up to see Biden naked. It is offensive, it’s abusive.”

Who would do such a thing?

This is like hiring a maid and walking around the house nude because that’s what you did before you hired the maid.



  1. It's called a sex offender and he should be on the list. A real POS.

  2. It is time for the Dems and their propaganda tools to quit supporting this predator.

  3. If you've ever noticed in pictures he's a little to friendly with son Beau's wife the one who's currently dating Beau's brother. I think the family is a little weird. Beau's brother dumped his wife and children after Beau's death and took up with his deceased brother's wife! I pity Joe Biden's wife and what she has lived with and seen in recent years, and all this touchy, feely stuff coming out on her husband, my prayers are with her.

  4. It is YOU people who do not care about candidates' sexual indiscretions so please cut the crocodile tears.

    1. Indiscretions my ass. Biden and his family is sick. Need professional help

    2. Just exactly who are you referring to 2:36

    3. 11:25 You people?

    4. 11:25- Yet, here you are! You log on just to troll? How messed up is your life? I guess this is your hobby? What a pointless existence! I feel bad for you.

  5. YES ,, more evidence !!!! Let's have Them testify too !!!!!

    See what his answer is to that one !!!!!


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