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Saturday, April 06, 2019

Maryland lawmakers move closer to expanding the state’s Dream Act for undocumented immigrants

Maryland lawmakers want to increase the number of undocumented immigrants who are afforded the chance to receive in-state tuition breaks.

The General Assembly approved legislation that expands the Maryland Dream Act, a 2012 law that grants an in-state tuition discount to undocumented immigrants. A Senate bill was sent to the governor’s desk for his signature and a companion bill is scheduled to receive final approval on Friday. The governor has not said whether he will sign the legislation.

Del. Eric Luedtke (D-Montgomery), the House bill sponsor, said the bill stalled in the Senate last year but moved this session, a sign of the leftward shift in the General Assembly after the November election.

Thursday’s action on the “dreamer” bill came as lawmakers moved quickly to pass bills before the General Assembly ends its 90-day session on Monday night.

“We found that in the original language we passed a few years ago we were excluding kids who by any reasonable standard should have a chance to go to school,” Luedtke said.



  1. I have a better idea. Find ALL THE ILLEGALS AND DEPORT THEM!!!
    Our country is being ruined and bankrupted by DEMOCRATS AND ILLEGALS.

  2. AMEN, 9:10AM, AMEN. Let's deport the MD lawmakers who want to bring more of them here too.

  3. Maryland is against American citizens exercising their 2nd. amendment rights, but is all for illegals. Time to move.

  4. Maryland Legislators are bankrupting MD like they did in California. This goes to show you Montgomery, Prince Georges and Baltimore Counties rule all Maryland. These are a bunch of crooks like all Democrats. They are ruled by Soros and the Democrat Party not by the Maryland tax payer. We should quit paying them since they don't represent all Maryland tax payers.

  5. These “lawmakers” don”t pay to support more illegals. We do.

  6. Locked, loaded, with ample ammo. Can't wait to use it all.

  7. (Maryland). A great state to be from.
    What about what the people want
    When the Revolution begins I wouldn’t want to be them


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