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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Marine vet congressman rejects Ocasio-Cortez's claim of the VA not being broken

Rep. Seth Moulton, Mass., a Marine veteran and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, says he disagrees with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's, D-N.Y., claim the Department of Veterans Affairs operates smoothly.

Moulton said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" he also disagrees with President Trump's recent tweet bragging the VA is not broken anymore, because he fixed it.

"When people show up at the VA and they can’t even get seen for months. When I get sent home with the wrong medications after having a minor surgery, I mean, that is not a good healthcare system," he said.



  1. The VA has always been a mess. You never see the same doctor and the ones you do have on turbans and heavy accents and they did not even know how to treat my fathers cancer. I found a local oncologist and paid out of pocket for his treatment and drugs and he got seven years of quality life out of the VA's six month terminal prognosis. Vet's deserve much better especially since many of their aliments are service related in the foolish conflicts since WWII.

  2. AOC talking from fantasyland again.

  3. Actually AOC clearly pointed out what she thinks is the top issue with VA (staffing). If true that there are 10's of thousands of staffing positions not filled, one can easily predict the issues that the Vet (and many others) have called out. You can debate her stance that staffing issues are the main problem all day, but cut the bogus narrative trying to be pushed here that AOC thinks everything is all gravy with the VA. See, this is how you listen, learn about people's positions, then have an honest debate on the issue. Its not too hard.


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