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Monday, April 01, 2019

Jane Fonda's induction into Women's Hall of Fame has host town threatening to pull support

Inducting Jane Fonda into the National Women's Hall of Fame could cost the organization its partnership with Seneca Falls, New York, its host town and the site of America's first-ever women's right's convention in 1848.

Earlier this month, the Hall of Fame announced the actress would be among its class of 2019. Citing Fonda's actions during the Vietnam War, Seneca Falls Supervisor Greg Lazzaro released a resolution Thursday morning that would pull the town's support out of respect for veterans in the community.

The resolution, which is expected to be proposed at next week's town board meeting, was released to the media and public Thursday morning.

"Jane Fonda’s actions of bringing medical supplies to North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, deriding our POWs...and posing for pictures atop missile-launchers designed to shoot down American planes brought divisiveness to our country and to this day to our Vietnam Veterans and it is viewed by virtually all Veterans as treason to this country," the resolution reads.



  1. GI Jane !!!! Infamous Not Famous !!!! We Not Forgot !


  2. Hanoi Jane was a traitor. Don't think she's ever apologized or recanted. The fate of Tokyo Rose should have been her reward.


  3. Who thought this one up?

  4. Women's Hall of SHAME !!!! You mean

  5. I think that I'll go on down to the VFW to visit Jane for a half minute.

  6. There should be jane fonda urinal targets in all VFWs & American Legions

  7. She has been woman of the year in Hanoi twice!

  8. Traitor !!! Hanoi Jane

  9. Spoiled Rotton Fonda !!!!! Traitor too , to Vietnam Vets !!!


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