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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hundreds of migrants form caravan in Honduras to head for the US

Almost 1,000 people gathered Tuesday night in the town of San Pedro Sula in northern Honduras to form a new caravan to reach the United States, police said.

"There are more than 800, almost a thousand," a police official told AFP, with the Red Cross reporting the same number.

The caravan, which followed a call on social media, took the authorities by surprise after similar appeals since February failed to muster numbers.

Many families with children were among those gathered, and some have already started their journeys in crowded minibuses.

Alexis Perez, 27, said: "We are done with this government, there is no work."

Since October 13, when the first caravan of 2,000 set off, three other similar convoys of migrants have left Honduras for the US in search of work or fleeing drug-traffickers.



  1. George Soros's sponsored caravans. Paying off officials, Feeding and watering these caravans thru Mexico to embarrass Trump in the media.

  2. Check out Glenn Beck's YouTube video called Chalkboard Lesson: Chicago Marxists are Pulling the Strings on the Attack on our Boarder. He posted this video for free implicating George Soros and others. Very educational!

  3. Well we tampered with these places. Starting with the United Fruit Company and exploiting the only resource they had and cheap labor of what amounted to simple indigenous peoples abandoned by Spanish Rule. The CIA propped up compliant elite conspirators in their simple social class system and armed them and actually supported the drug cartels and now the people are running here.
    You want to make America Great Again. Cut off ALL foreign AID including Israel
    NATO close the borders to all and lets figure out how to take care of our own and own troubles. What are they going to do attack us or cry ? We don't have to save the world. Let Putin have them he has enough trash on his hands he can't feed.


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