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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Here's who Newt Gingrich thinks will win Democratic presidential race

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich thinks California Sen. Kamala Harris is "most likely" to be nominated to the Democrats pick to challenge President Trump in the 2020 presidential race. Gingrich, speaking to CBSN on Monday, said Harris' base of California and general likability make her a serious contender for the nomination.

"She's very articulate and I think a likable person, and I think that she represents a new generation in a way that [Joe] Biden and [Bernie] Sanders are going to work very hard to be able to match," Gingrich added. The lifelong Republican said that while Biden and Sanders both have the advantage of national name recognition, the larger dynamic of the Democratic party as it stands now leans so far left that it presents a potential challenge for traditional candidates like the former vice president and the Vermont senator.

"It's also [open] to newer faces in a way that I think Sanders has a hard time coping with." Gingrich's forecasting isn't far off either, according to recent polling by Monmouth University, Harris placed third, behind both Biden and Sanders with 8 percent support.



  1. The BJ girl against President Trump!

    That will be fun to watch!

  2. Go away NEWT. Go camping with Rush and Alex Jones and never come back.

    1. Waaaaaaaaaa wittle snowflake is Mad bc Trump is going to win 2020.

  3. Newt playing the same game the president does with libs.


  4. That's not fair to the rest of the riders in the SocialistDemocrat clown car.

  5. She is a women. We need a woman President - Not!


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