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Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Healing Herbs From the Bible Conquer Modern Diseases Read Newsmax: Healing Herbs From the Bible Conquer Modern Diseases

Experts agree that natural remedies can often trump pharmaceutical drugs in the treatment of many ailments. Heart disease, diabetes and arthritis may benefit from using the healing herbs of the Bible that have been around for thousands of years and have tried-and-true benefits without the nasty side effects on many prescribed medications.

Suzy Cohen, RPh., also known as “America’s Pharmacist,” and author of “Drug Muggers,” tells Newsmax:

“I am keenly aware we need many medications and some have tremendous value. I credit some with saving lives. I’ve also come to realize the all the healing compounds we need to survive, and thrive, are actually present in natural herbs and spices.

“Pharma companies just take those herbs and spices and chemically adjust them to create a patentable compound. But this begs the question, ‘What is wrong with the original?’

“Before pharmaceuticals were patented, we had plants growing all over the planet that could help us with any ailment,” she adds. “We’ve simply forgotten about the healing power of these plants. After researching medications, herbs, essential oils and spices for more than two decades, I’ve noticed the similarities. You can really heal with God’s plants.”



  1. Those were adopted Pegan remedies.

  2. No dumb ass, no one forgot, everyone doesn't know becasue the elites got their dirty money involved and started big PHARMA and they white washed the natural remedies away, just like they are doing now with text books, and with the bible... They are not the same today ans they were when I grew up, now schools don;'t teach the constitution and if they do, they leave parts out.... Geee I wonder why... Morons are good little salves... Isn't that right everyone??? You should know, you are a good little salve...

  3. My my 5:31, you're on roll today !
    Better take your blood pressure meds

  4. The bible verses that mention these herbs aren't doing so in a medical way... you know where there is medical advise?

    Leviticus 14: Curing leprosy. Verses 1-32. I DARE any of you to read it. The KJV specifically says "leper".

    How any of you can read this, and think that the bible is the "inerrant word of anything" is absurd. How anyone can make claims of "medicine" from the bible is just bonkers.


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