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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Free Tree Seedlings for Wicomico County Property Owners

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is offering free tree seedlings to Wicomico County landowners who have a creek, drainage ditch, stream or other waterway on or near their property through the Backyard Buffers program.

Trees and shrubs planted along waterways help improve water quality by absorbing excess nutrients, lowering peak water temperatures, reducing sediment and stabilizing stream banks.

Each bag contains approximately 25 native bare-root tree and shrub seedlings, including bald cypress, river birch, serviceberry, spicebush and winterberry.

Maryland Forest Service staff will provide information on tree maintenance and planting techniques, in addition to suggestions of other suitable native species at the time of pickup.

Quantities are limited so reservations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. Orders can be placed by calling 410-543-1950 by April 26. Pickup will be on April 27 at the Wicomico Extension Office at 28647 Old Quantico Road, Salisbury.


  1. 99% of the consumers who receive these tree packets will have no idea of soil, sun or shade, fertility or water requirements for their saplings. Even though advice will be offered 95% of the consumers will ignore it and most of the saplings will die. This is just another "feel good" program courtesy of your state government.

    1. They will have no idea even though advice is given? So you actually no every person? Snowflake alert boys.

  2. They are not free...paid for by your tax dollars. The headline should read "Taxpayers providing trees to Wicomico County property owners."

  3. "...So you actually no every person?..."

    I *NO* enough to *NO* you attended a public school!

    1. Yell and pick on a persons grammar and education..Typical snowflake reaction when caught in a lie.

  4. DNR will inspect your plantings free of charge
    AND inspect your ditch,stream,pond etc for pollution
    No thanks!

  5. 5:23 maybe he's using voice autocorrect. Know-won is that dumm.


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