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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Felicity Huffman, 12 others to plead guilty in college admissions scandal

Actress Felicity Huffman will plead guilty over her role in the nationwide college-admissions scandal — along with a dozen other wealthy parents, federal prosecutors announced Monday.

The “Desperate Housewives” star will join 12 other disgraced moms and dads in copping to conspiracy to commit mail fraud and honest services mail fraud for paying bribes to ease their privileged progenies’ admission into top schools — by either fudging the kids’ exam scores or getting coaches to name them as bogus athletic recruits.

They all face up to 20 years behind bars.

In a statement following the announcement, Huffman, who is married to “Shameless” star William H. Macy, said she has “deep regret” for what she’s done and accepts “full responsibility” for her actions and their consequences — but claimed her eldest daughter, Sophia Grace Macy, was not complicit.



  1. Eh, just let them off the hook like Jussie, they've got the money and certainly the connections too.

    Ain't nobody going to jail. Mark my words.

  2. Pay a small fine, get a book deal and tv show out of it. Typical two sets of laws and punishments

  3. The kids were not complicit? Baloney. They knew that they weren't athletes of university quality, so accepting a sports scholarship was just as wrong as their parents paying off the coach and administrators.

  4. The rich will never see the inside of a Jail Cell, this country has two justice systems, one for the rich and then the rest of us. Welcome to the real world.

  5. The college heads must be Democrats because no charges against them.

  6. 5:28 spot on sorry to say.

  7. They ALL deserve PRISON TIME !!!! Sick of these spoiled
    Rotton , stuck up , types getting off all the time by just
    throwing $$$$ at the problem !!!!!

  8. Most college heads, administrators and faculty are Liberals of one hue or another. It's why there's so much trouble with free speech, social microaggression, triggering and the creation of "safe spaces" where those who are intolerant can run to hide to avoid being whole human beings. The more "safe spaces" there are, the greater the population of troubled people awaiting the arrival of a savior Liberal party.

    Don't even get me started on what college curricula have become.

  9. @5:28 ask Martha Stewart about that!

  10. Northwest Woodsman: The whole college process from application to graduation is corrupt. Schemings such as this have been going on forever. College officials have been essentially unregulated and their behavior unchecked since the beginning of time. Diversity programs that allow unqualified minority students to be admitted over those who are qualified. Student loan programs that allow the colleges to suck money from students that are unlikely to make it to graduation and let’s not forget the athletic programs that recruit and accept unqualified students because they can handle a football or basketball. Be advised, college is a corporate, money making business. Education is their last priority. Personal experience: I was an assistant professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for five years. One semester, I had a basketball player in one of my classes. He showed up on the first day of classes and I never saw him again. At the end of the semester, I gave him an “F” and the uproar that created was unbelievable. I refused to change the grade and left it at that. Never heard anything after that, however that clown continued to play basketball and eventually went to the N**** Basketball League. I’m sure that someone up,the food chain changed that grade.


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