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Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Federal District Judges Have Blocked Trump Actions 30 Times, a Record Rate

Federal district judges who preside over a portion of a single state have been able to block President Donald Trump’s actions 30 times through nationwide injunctions—far more than any other administration in history, according to the Justice Department.

The trend has prompted the Trump administration’s Justice Department to seek an end to nationwide injunctions, following a similar argument made by the Obama administration.

“The core problem, in other words, is not so much the geographic scope of the injunction, but its reach far beyond the confines of the case or controversy before the court,” Beth Williams, assistant attorney general for the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Policy, said Monday at a forum at The Heritage Foundation.



  1. Crazy what happens when you do something illegal

  2. He is a record setting idiot

  3. I wonder how many of them were similar to actions that the turd took and they let go!?

  4. From the article:

    "the average annual number of nationwide injunctions against the administrations of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush was 1.5. That increased to 2.5 under Barack Obama.

    In Trump’s first year in office, however, judges issued 20 nationwide injunctions against administration policy."

    Occams Razor - The President is operating out of what he is legally allowed to, hence the number of injunctions.

    It's pretty simple folks, it not some nutty conspiracy.

  5. Stop trying to break the law and the courts wont have to step in. How many more cabinet members have to tell you the clown really thinks hes a dictator?

    1. Call him what you wish but someone had to step in and call all the career embezzlers I mean politicians out on their bsh**


  7. 10:04 thank you for some logic. For those who think Occams Razor is a conspiratorial liberal leaning garage metal band, it means that the simplest explanation is better.

  8. It's nothing more than desperation. They've lost so so many supporters with the illegal immigrants and their satanic abortion policies. Trump in a landslide 2020

  9. Need new laws to Keep them OUT of the POTUS business !!!


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