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Friday, April 05, 2019

Farrakhan claims to be Jesus in 'Saviours' Day' address: 'I am the Messiah'

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has reportedly led a chant of "death to America" and recently called for a separate state for black Americans, has made more controversial comments, claiming to be Jesus and clarifying his "anti-termite" statement.

Farrakhan made many shocking claims during NOI's Saviours' Day keynote address in February at the United Center arena in Chicago. He told Rep. Ilhan Omar "you have nothing to apologize for," and he praised her fellow colleague freshman, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The preacher of Islam then appeared to mock one of the most famous passages from the Bible, John 3:16:



  1. Way behind times. Farrakhan has been preaching that he is the Messiah for over30 years. The only thing Farrakhan preaches and he is, is a racist that preaches hatred and kill the whites.

  2. I can't wait to see him and his boys at the front line when the civil war kicks off tick tock.

  3. Incoming! He had better duck.

  4. My grandmother told me many years ago that he was evil and one day would present himself as the messiah, course I was young and dumb but obviously she was a very wise woman.

  5. Matt. 24:5 (csb) For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah,' and they will deceive many.

  6. Another perverted convert like his teenage girl molesting leader and murderer of Malcolm X. Most native Muslims and their Hairoms are ghetto prison converts.

  7. Let's nail him to a cross and see if he comes back to life 3 days later

  8. OMG Butter my butt and call me a biscuit.

  9. NO , He is the DEVIL !!!! Don't be Fooled !!!!

  10. No, you is the devil.

    1. you is, ha ha ha ha ha
      you funny 2:29

  11. Radical Farrakhan-nists and Fee-Palestine bigots:

    Do Brown, Black matter...if they're Israelis?


    Since color has become a language somehow, and anti Israel bigots distort, then let's remind, most Israelis are "brown," in terms of stats. You have also many Ethiopian Jews.

    No wonder the propagandists will never show democratic multiracial Israel in day to day lives.

    Or elaborate on anti-black racism in the Goliath Arab world. Though all non Arabs have been through racism in that world.


    But of course Israeli security concerns are just that. Unrelated to any "color" or "race." Actually, speaking of racism, yes, Arab Muslim attackers target only Jews. Talk about real racism.


    True, hijacking of term 'it's racism," is as old as Palestine propaganda emerged by holocaust denier Issa Nakhleh who began in June-17-1949 the "like the Nazis and worse than nazis" line (and by Nov-14-1972 said all 6,000,000 were alive and Hitler "didn't" kill, and represented 'Muslim Congress' at Holocaust deniers convention in 1981), then picked up in 1960 by Nazi Tacuara saluter Ahmad Shukairy who by Oct-17-1961 added that garbage-touch apartheid slur too and questioned Catholic Uruguayan rep. Enrique Fabregat's loyalty, stating because he's (supposedly) a Jew. And both, of course were Hitler's ally ex-mufti Islamic leader al-Husseini avid fans. With Shukairy his aide.

    Speaking of ex Mufti's admirers... Sufi Abdul Hamid, infamous 'Black Hitler' in NY who called to drive out Italians and Jews in the 1929-30, was also his admirer.


    One might begin to argue there is such a thing as "pro Palestine", (only) when Farrakhan linked Ilhan Omar / Linda Sarsour / Rashida Tlaib will have a routine of decrying Arab Muslim suffering when it's not in context of Israel (who has been facing existential threat ever since) but suffering when by Arab Muslim entities. One would then hear about a real en-masse massacre. Such as hundreds of thousands in Syria, current example. And if they begin to do anything along the line, then no lip service please. But with that same "passion" as in fake "sympathy" played at the 'other' case.

    The absentee reason is clear. Self explanatory. Because pro Palestine is a cover for anti Israel and often anti ALL Jews.

    A note re L Farrakhan, that guy with his "blue eyes are the devil," when he uttered his "termites" venom, his genocidal hint was clear under the veil. For more about Dehumanization in radical Islamic Arab or even mainstream racist "Palestinian" education and sermons, search for "apes and pigs, Palestinians". Or see PalWatch and MEMRI.


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