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Tuesday, April 02, 2019

‘Exactly When Did You Think America Was Great?’ Says Eric Holder. Here Is the Answer.

There’s no doubt that one of the flashpoints of the modern culture war in America is the debate over our nation’s history.

On one side, there are Americans who believe that the United States is a unique country, a shining city upon a hill that while flawed, has been exceptional from the beginning.

On the other side is a growing bloc of Americans who believe America was rotten from its conception, its history worthy of both figuratively and now literally destroying, and that its only hope is in some kind of fundamental transformation to purge it of its past sins and injustices.

In simpler terms, it’s a battle of gratitude vs. grievance.



  1. It was great before Clinton decimated the military...then we grew stronger and greater again after he left!

    It was great before Obama tried to destroy us with liberal and socialist policies while taking us to the brink with political correctness and the failed experiment of executive affirmative action!

    We are slowly starting to grow our strength and greatness again - thank goodness the electoral college saved us from Hilliary!

  2. Dave T: America certainly was great when it didn't have pathetic cowards like Eric Holder. And it will be even greater when people like Holder are out of the picture.

  3. The founders and the Revolution rejected non representative divine rule by a Monarch but they all assumed the feudalistic gentleman's positions of Democratic Dukes and Earls and founded a class system of ruling by those positioned and proffered with pre-existing new world commerce.
    It has never been about the PEOPLE it's a kinder gentler Monarchy under the guise of Democracy and Roman Republic bureaucracy. Trump's gauche wealth and inability to bag a good american gal is like Jefferson banging Sally Hemmings.
    It's in keeping though with our traditions.

    1. I do hope you are moving to Turkey soon since you don't care for America and American dreams. Just ask an immigrant if he wants your citizenship. You will have thousands waiting in line for it because we are a great country thanks to President Trump and Mrs Trump.

  4. There’s always one snake in the wood pile

  5. Dave T: Comparing Eric Holder to a snake is an insult to the snake ! Please choose something more vile and disgusting like a cockroach. lol

  6. Stop giving this communist the time of day and he will go away

  7. It was GREAT Before AFFIRMATIVE ACTION = Reverse

    Discrimination !!!!! That's When !!!! Fact

  8. America was great before The Beatles and LBJ. Then a downward spiral started and the poisonous transformation began It almost worked then along came Trump. MAGA.

  9. Briefly, If one has to ask that question, I do not know of any intellectual answer that would satisfy the vacuous head asking the question.

  10. It was GREAT before Slavery was here !!

    After that ......USA Ruined for good !!

  11. It was Great before Income taxes & all the other taxes taxes taxes !!!!!


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