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Thursday, April 11, 2019

Deputies surround burglar in Oregon home..........

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ore. (KATU) – Deputies responding to a 911 call for a "burglary in progress" at an Oregon woman’s home ended up catching the culprit – a robotic vacuum that was trapped in her bathroom.

The initial call came in from someone reporting that a stranger was in her bathroom, and that the person had the bathroom door locked, the sheriff's office said Tuesday in a post online.

She said she could see shadows moving under the door.

Within minutes several deputies surround the home, calling for a K9 team as backup. They say they could hear a rustling noise coming from the bathroom.



  1. Cue ring announcer's voice: "Are you ready to Roomba?"

  2. "We made several announcements and the 'rustling' became more frequent."

    Really? Is there a voice activated feature on the Roomba; yell with a megaphone and it moves faster?

  3. A clean sweep was made by the perpetrator.


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