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Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Democratic Proposal: Hey, Let's Eliminate Criminal Penalties for Illegal Immigration -- and End Most Detentions

Not long ago, the Democratic Party's mantra on abortion was that the unfortunate practice ought to be "safe, legal and rare." Nobody is pro-abortion, they told us. Today, the party votes in virtual lockstep against any and all measures that would limit even the most extreme and unpopular forms of abortion, including recent legislation barring elective late-term abortions, and a bill to require medical care for infants born alive after failed abortions. Not a single Democrat running for president has even hinted that the 'right' to abortion should be curtailed or limited in any way, at any point, for any reason -- including the supposed "moderates" in the race.

Similarly, Democrats used to tell us that of course they were against illegalimmigration; the relevant policy question, they said, was how to humanely and fairly treat the millions of otherwise law-abiding illegal immigrants who have been living inside the United States for years. They at least made a show out of getting tough on border security, in exchange for other 'reforms' -- and they recoiled with indignation when Republicans accused them of supporting "open borders." Which brings us to today's rollout of an immigration plan from Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro, a former Obama cabinet secretary who's widely considered to be a Vice Presidential short-lister, and whose brother is likely to challenge John Cornyn in next year's Texas Senate race:


1 comment:

  1. My proposal is much more effective to stopping the border issues: Let's eliminate Democrats. Deport them all to south of the border.


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