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Friday, April 05, 2019

Confrontation at Starbucks over ‘MAGA’ hat erupts

A south Palo Alto activist has been fired from her accounting job at Gryphon Stringed Instruments after chasing a man wearing a Make America Great Again cap out of Starbucks and then posting about the confrontation on Facebook.

Rebecca Parker Mankey, 46, was fired on Tuesday (April 2), the day after she yelled at a man with a bushy gray beard named Victor who regularly visits the Starbucks at 361 California Ave. in Palo Alto wearing a red MAGA hat. Mankey didn’t return the Post’s requests for comment.

“Anybody in Palo Alto know this freak?” Mankey asked in a widely shared Facebook post that included two photos of the man at Starbucks. “He will never forget me and will think seriously about wearing that hat in my town ever again. If you see him in this hat, please confront him.”

Mankey went on to write that she yelled at him, “called the entire Starbucks to order” and yelled at him again about hating Latinos.


Editor's note:  A follow up with the man wearing the MAGA hat will be posted at 3:30pm.


  1. What a f**"*"* freakshow!! I'd be pissed to if I went around looking like that

  2. If you look up "Mental illness", you'll see her face!

  3. It's California. Nuts are one of its biggest products.

  4. Act like a man get beat like a man 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

    1. Yup they want equality u got it act like a thug get beat like one.

  5. I bought myself a 26" steel police baton that would have served her well right across her shins

  6. At 46 this woman worked at a record store (no wonder with her Mohawk haircut) and she was fired for calling a 75 year old Jewish man a Nazi because he was wearing a red MAGA hat. She took to Facebook and tried to convince the other patrons in Starbucks to kick her victim out! Trying to incite a riot. These unhinge people are asking to meet the wrong person at the wrong time. She’s damn lucky she didn’t meet such a person or a job loss would be the least of her worries.


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