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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

CNN Hits Harris for Repeatedly Dodging Questions: ‘Could Be a Big Problem for Her’

CNN reporter Maeve Reston said Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) could have a "big problem" with her habit of dodging direct questions, pointing on Tuesday to a town hall where the presidential candidate consistently said she wanted to have a "conversation" but wouldn't commit to policy stances.

Anchor Brooke Baldwin introduced a montage of Harris dodging direct answers to policy questions at Monday's CNN town hall with Democratic voters in New Hampshire, calling the "conversation" line Harris's "go-to." Harris is considered one of the top Democratic presidential candidates, although she's lagging considerably in early polling behind former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), the former of whom isn't a declared candidate yet.

On the voting age being lowered to 16 ("I'm really interested in having that conversation"), supporting reparations ("we should study it and see"), eliminating student loan debt ("I support anything that is about reducing the debt of student loans, and I think that's an important conversation to have"), and extending the vote to convicted killers like the Boston Marathon bomber ("I think we should have that conversation"), Harris wouldn't give straight answers to questioners on Monday.



  1. Does she seriously think she can run without getting down to the niity gritty?

  2. Just another empty suit.

  3. At least she has firmly stated that she will take our guns within 100 days of taking office. She is nothing but a pathetic footnote on the idiots who think they have a chance. She really must think everyone is stupid. When she felt the need to lie about her Jamaican slave ownership heritage and smoking weed while listening Snoop Dog, it shows her campaign is all about pandering.

  4. It must really be bad if CNN is talking about it. I noticed the dodging too so I must be qualified to work for CNN too!

  5. She's going nowhere, no worries.

  6. She is another Dem hack

  7. DEMOCRATS are the new Domestic Terrorists.


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