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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Cher: Does Bernie Really Believe Child Molesters, Boston Bomber Deserve the Right to Vote

Pop icon Cher questioned the wisdom of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) recent declaration that felons, even terrorists, should have the right to vote.

“Does Bernie Sanders Really Believe Ppl In Prison Who Are Murderers⁉️ Rapists⁉️ Child Molesters⁉️ BOSTON BOMBERS.…STILL DESERVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE⁉️” Cher asked in a social media post Tuesday.

Bernie Sanders voiced his belief that felons should not be deprived of a right to vote earlier this month. During a CNN town hall Monday night, Sanders was again asked about his position by host Don Lemon.

“Yes, even for terrible people because once you start chipping away — you say, ‘That guy committed a terrible crime, we’re not going to let him vote,’ or ‘that person did that,’ you’re running down a slippery slope,” the socialist candidate said. “So, I believe people who commit crimes, they pay the price and they get out of jail, they certainly should have the right to vote…I believe even if they are in jail, they’re paying the price to society, but that should not take away their inherent American right to participate in our democracy.”



  1. This woman doesn't know her arse from a hole in the sewer state she lives in, she needs to seriously decide what side of the fence she lives on! Hopefully she is waking up!!

  2. That slippery slope is called good judgment, and making adult decisions, dumb a$$.

  3. Remember if criminals are registered to vote, they would also be called in for jury duty. Would a felon on the jury have sympathy for his fellow criminal buddy?

  4. How about if a democrat congress, senate and white house pass a law that makes speeding a felony. Then only republican drivers are targeted for speeding. Speeders will not have the right to vote...EVER AGAIN...so the law remains forever as does the democrats rule.

  5. Once you have paid the price for your crime in full then you should be allowed to become a fully participating citizen again.


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