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Monday, April 08, 2019

Black People Asked White People Questions - And It Was Great

The Facebook page "Afrocentric Films Collaborative" gave the opportunity for black people to ask white people questions they have always wanted answers to and it went incredibly well.

Thousands of white people responded to the hilarious questions with enthusiasm and everyone had fun.



  1. Do white people get to ask black people questions?

  2. 1:56 That would be racist.

  3. Great literate questions that will change the spin of the world.

  4. I have a question for any Blacks. Do you really think all white people are closet KKK members?

  5. I’ve read the question s and answers and it was funny as hell

  6. I have another question for Black people. Why have you been hiding the collard greens for all these years.
    Make them fresh starting with a ham hock and cook them down with a 1/4 teaspoon of red pepper flakes. Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!

    I will admit that due to certain prejudices when I was younger, I never tried them. But I can assure you now that I really love them!

    Am I guilty of "Cultural appropriation" ?

  7. I have to agree with how disgusting it is to see a cat on kitchen counters and tables, especially after it just left its litter box. And that brings up the also disgusting use of litter boxes in a home. Why let an animal do its business in your yours?


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