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Monday, April 29, 2019

Biden: ‘Not One Single Whisper of Scandal’ During the Obama Administration

Former vice president and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Friday that the thing he was most proud of about the Obama administration was that there was "not one single whisper of scandal."

"The thing I'm proudest of is we, coincidentally, we were each in a different part of the country and we were each talking to groups of people that were being televised. On the same day, purely coincidentally, we were asked what are you proudest of from your administration? You know what I said—he said the same thing, though probably a bit more clearly than I did: Not one single whisper of scandal," Biden said on ABC's The View. "That's because of Barack Obama."

This has been a common refrain among Democrats and people in the media. In 2018, Obama himself declared his presidency was free from scandal.

"I didn't have scandals, which seems like it shouldn't be something you brag about," Obama said.



  1. You can call him " Fast and Fury" Biden

  2. Commy liar, I can think of at least 10

  3. That's not how the history books will read, boys.

  4. Wow. I guess he doesn't consider his in experienced kid being named to the Board of Directors of a company owned by China while he was handling negotiations with the Chinese as a scandal. What a liar.

  5. Biden must have buried his head in the sand for the 8 lousy years obumer was President.

  6. How about Benghazi??

  7. Giving Terrorists billions of $
    Fast n furious
    Clinton LIBARY
    Clinton's killing people
    Race hate on whites
    Pro Islam
    Anti cop
    On on on.

  8. Because he was a democrat and we know they don’t turn on their own, so they didn’t forces and of the dozens of issues that should have Obama, Biden, and Hillary in )ail.

  9. a few pallets of cash landing in Iran is nothing to see..

  10. Ha, all that is all about to come out of the darkness! Treasonous Obummer administration will be quite the rude awakening for most Americans.

  11. Biden is a left wing perverted child petting pay to play crooked lying POS Dum O Crat . He sat on his butt and said nothing for 8 years while the ANTI USA,ANTI COP,ANTI CHRISTIAN,ANTI ISRAEL PRO IRAN OBUMMER tried to destroy the very fabric of the USA.. Biden is a worthless SELF SERVING POS..

  12. Northwest Woodsman: “Tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” . Part of a quote by Joseph Goebbels , Hitler’s Propaganda Minister. Marxist democrats follow the Nazi SOP manual very faithfully. Funny, they call conservatives Nazis when they, in fact, follow that play book almost to the letter.


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