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Thursday, April 04, 2019

Americans Had To Borrow 88 Billion Dollars To Cover Their Medical Bills Last Year

I know that the headline sounds outrageous, but it is actually true. According to a brand new report that was just released, Americans had to borrow 88 billion dollars to cover their medical bills last year. That is a truly astounding number, and it shows just how dramatically our current health care system has failed. And even though the vast majority of Americans are covered by “health insurance”, millions of us are deathly afraid to go to the hospital because of what it might cost. Today, two-thirds of all personal bankruptcies in the United States are caused by medical bills, and most of the people going bankrupt actually had health insurance. Overall, more than half a million American families are financially ruined by medical bills each year, and meanwhile our “representatives” in Washington are doing absolutely nothing to fix the problem.

Surveys have shown that up to two-thirds of the country is living paycheck to paycheck at least part of the time, and an unexpected medical bill can be absolutely devastating for those that are just barely scraping by.

Without much of a financial cushion to fall back on, many families must borrow money when confronted with a large medical expense, and the scale at which this is happening is absolutely stunning



  1. Thanks Obama care !#@&!!!!..( and a side note ..FIRE ALL CONGRESS MEMBERS !!

  2. Commenters,
    Many of us have benefitted from the advances in medical research and methodology.
    We have enjoyed life-extending treatments, sometimes in emergency situations.
    The people and organizations who provide this type of service should be rewarded handsomely.

    Thank you

    1. You can keep your doctor.. you premium WILL NOT GO UP. You will have the same coverage., Copay will go down.... Americans are having less children and dying sooner. Facts.
      Thank you
      Keep cheering

    2. 5:19 they can be rewarded handsomely without gouging. I guess you think is ok the little ceo bastard raised the cost of a life saving drug to 700 times it's original price. Then with a smirk said "I'll never go to jail".

  3. It doesn't need to be that bad large groups of people should be able to collectively purchase health insurance and negotiate drug prices directly with big pharma. There are ways to get prices down but people need to know about what's available. My doctor had me on a certain medicine for colitis and the deductable was expensive and I was only paying 20% of the total cost. I did a little research and was able to buy that drug from Canada Drugs and the total price was less than my deductable. All I had to do was have me doctor fax my prescription to Canada Drugs. Check it out online,it's a good company. By the way I got tired of taking medicine so I just stopped. I stopped drinking milk and all dairy products and the problem went away.

  4. Thanks to Obama, Democrats and Pelosi and her great comment "You have to pass it to find out what is in it"

    1. And thanks to all that passed it without reading it

  5. Need a fact check on these "reports" "studies". Who did them?

  6. Did you know that the state of Maryland is taking pharmacy plans from all retired citizens by a vote. I have been waiting for that to appear on this blog but for some reason we don't matter. I will have to give up one of my medications that will cost too much for me and it will kill me if I don't have it. SOOOOO...good bye cruel world. Joe...where are you in this?

  7. 8:50
    Hogans proposed FY20 budget includes funding for the retiree prescription drug program. If you have other information send it to Joe.


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