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Monday, April 08, 2019

Am I The Only One Who Will Say TERM LIMITS?

While it is unfortunate Mr. Busch has passed away and while I certainly appreciate ALL of our public servants, these gentlemen have/had controlled our state for far too long.

Term limits need to be seriously considered at every level of government. Yeah, I know some will attempt to come here and attack me for saying what I, (and most of you) believe but enough is enough. 

Maryland needs far more conservatives to step up to the plate and run for office. Why don't they, might you ask? Because we're not crooked. We're more honest, while we battle the Left always throwing lies about us hoping something/anything will stick. 

And we all wonder why we keep hearing a revolution is coming. Yeah, I know, pack my bags and leave the state if I don't like it. Keep playing that game Libtards and in time you'll see when the fuse finally reaches its end. 



  2. You have nailed it. It is very unfortunate, however conservatives will never be able to combat the liberals because we do try to maintain a certain standard of ethic and integrity, which continuously keeps us at a disadvantage in the political war realm. Liberals seem to have no decency and will stoop to any level to acquire and maintain political power for their political agenda and ideology; which for the most part in the end is not good for liberty and freedom. And until the majority of the people realize it, nothing will change.

  3. The deck is stacked and the players all know it. Nearly impossible for a Republican to be elected in the "fixed" arena in Annapolis. I wish I were wrong, but look at the incumbents.

  4. You read my mind and what I have said for years. The problem with Maryland politics is it is controlled by the Baltimore DC corridor which Is ruled by National Democrats and Soros money and nobody wants to challenge them.

  5. Yeah right ! Almost everything on the agenda in Congress does not get passed because the ( our ) conservative Republicans block it ..so the way I see it ...ALL MEMBERS in Congress ..I won't trust or give you 5 Cents For !! ..that my blog friends is PLAIN and SIMPLE !

  6. YES! 89 year old Biden running for president, 84 year old Palosi, 114 year old Ginsburg, 96 year old Bernie.

    It was pointed out one time the average age of congress and senate was 69 years old. Why are these senile old farts still working? Ever heard of retirement?

    1. Lisa, nothing like being a bigot on people of age. Speaking of senile, you should learn proper spelling and grammar.

    2. Term limits is not the answer. Educated voters is the answer. If you are voting for Democrats then you are too dumb to vote! Enough said!

  7. 10:23, I wouldn't necessarily say they're all senile. We clearly need WISDOM in order to make serious decisions for our Country. However, decades of people ramrodding, we have to pass it in order to read it is a load of crap. Pass one new law, remove five old ones, that should be the process. That will make ALL lawmakers think long and hard on BOTH sides.

  8. No, you're not the only one. I also say term limits and everyone I know also says the same thing.

  9. No, you're not the only one. I also say term limits and everyone I know also says the same thing.


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