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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

A Viewer Writes

Pocomoke City Council fired City Manager Bobby Cowger last night.


  1. Not surprising since Laura took over as mayor.

  2. Salisbury needs to fire Mayor Jake Day, and Chief Duncan SPD lets all sign a petition. We can do it write in or pick a place. We also need to review every member of the Salisbury City Council for the same. Clean house all the way. After we take care of those items we can set our sights on Hogan. SALISBURY NEEDS A BIG CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND SO DOES THE STATE OF MARYLAND. We need to put back the death penalty, and no counties in Maryland as sanctuary cities. Joe leads us please!!!!!!

  3. Saw him cutting grass around Pocomoke in his free time just to make the town look better. Has done more for the town over since Blake retired, then Blake did during his whole time at that job. My home town keeps failing me in incompetence.

  4. April 16, 2019 at 3:22 PM Why should Joe lead us? Get off your ass and do it yourself. Typical born here, always looking for everyone else to take care of your crap.

    1. "Typical born here" just what does that mean 5:09 ? Apparently you were not born here but there's something here you like or want. Would you care to elaborate on your desires. Nothing is holding you here, if the "born here's" are failing your expectations bye bye

  5. wonder if it will ever make the news. seems to be very hush hush. needs to get out in the public and an explanation as to why

  6. when you go to the pocomoke city council minutes you get this: Monday, April 15, 2019 at 6:30 PM, Closed Session regarding personnel issues.

    what are they hiding??

  7. He was insubordinate, arrogant and not a good listener.

  8. WBOC just reported this about noon on April 17th, 24 hours after Joe reported it.


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