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Sunday, March 24, 2019

Young People’s Embrace of Socialism Shows Why We Shouldn’t Lower the Voting Age

The left really wants to give kids the right to vote.

This idea is so popular on the left that a majority of House Democrats voted in favor of lowering the voting age to 16.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., endorsed the idea as well.

Why would Pelosi and others on the left want to give high school children—hardly known for deep wisdom and sound judgment—a vote?

A new poll perhaps demonstrates why.

The Harris Poll, released exclusively by Axios, shows that roughly half of young Americans say they would prefer living in a socialist country.



  1. The Harris Poll, released exclusively by Axios, shows that roughly half of young Americans say they would prefer living in a socialist country.

    Why don't they move to Venezuela then? Working very well there.
    Sorry Forgot. 16 year olds are oblivious to world matters.

    1. When 16 year olds pay taxes which means they would have to have a job and pay for rent, food, living expensives then they can vote. Until a 16 year old can contribute to society they can not vote. We all see what this is all about - nice try Dems.

  2. Just cut to the chase:
    Offer "free stuff" to anyone under 21 and they will take it.
    I would've!

  3. Largely because they are not taught world or US history, nor are they taught to think for themselves. Our schools have become places of indoctrination and brainwashing.

  4. Imagine that the voting age is 16 YO and a war breaks out that requires the military draft to be re-instated.
    How many 16-to-21 year old people are going to vote FOR sending, basically, "themselves", to war?

  5. An 18 year-old can fight in a war, but they can't drink a beer.
    A 16 year-old can get an abortion (without parental permission), but they can't buy a cigarette.
    Give 16 year-olds the right to vote and both of those will be thrown out!

  6. It's a crazy time on America. Give all the blacks and younger Americanns enough free stuff to keep them pacified and let ALL the illegal(who WANT to work)into the country to fill all the job requirements. Is it just me or is there something wrong with this picture??

  7. Before we bow to snowflakes there WILL be a CIVIL WAR.

  8. They have no business voting at 16, minds of mush (not all). I know my mind was mush at 16. I had one thing on my mind and she wore a skirt. I probably didn't even know who the president was at that time, I know I didn't care.

  9. When we tell stories of our past to our friends, children, or co-workers or whomever, it's usually predicated with "but I was young and stupid then." That's just the way it is.

  10. They're desperate to gain power and replace the traditional Democrats who are leaving the party .

  11. No voting for them until the veil is lifted.

  12. Laura Ingram had a nice piece last night about Socialism Olympics.
    And, she got one of her guests tongue-tied when he said the SCOTUS justices should have a mandatory retirement age. She asked him what age it should be, like 80... he nodded.. she replied "so, you're saying Ruth Bader Ginsburg should retire?"
    He started stumbling...
    Yeah, all these ideas sound great until these liberals get hit with the boomerang.

  13. Shows Why we need 2 Term Limits for All !!!!!

  14. This is a prime example of how poor our education system is. They don't want to educate the kids, just indoctrinate. These kids have no idea of history or civics.

  15. These kids have no clue what's really out in the real world. They'll be crying the blues before long when the Muslims overrun the country and they realize how good they had it. I personally can't wait to hear all the whining lazy ass blacks because contrary to their beliefs the Hardcore Islamist can't stand them. They are to this day selling them as slaves in several Muslim countries. Good luck dumbasses careful what you wish for

  16. they need the marxist vote!! but cant wait til they turn 18.it will be a waste of decades of work indocing our kids brains to a Godless marxist, luciferian, idealogy, if they cant turn back the tide that is exposing the mountain of lies and deception they attempted to have us believe.

  17. Make the Draft age 21 .....LOng overdue !!! be Humaine

  18. honestly only those who work or are retired after working a lifetime should be allowed to vote. If you want a say in how society works then you should work also! this would stop a lot of the nonsense!
    want to have a say then pay! simple! then you can voice your opinion on how you want your taxes spent! otherwise stfu!

  19. Voting age should be AT LEAST 25 maybe 30.

  20. Age is not the issue. Stupid parents raising low iq offspring is the problem!

  21. Age is not the issue. Stupid parents raising low iq offspring is the problem!

  22. Don't start blaming the younger generation. The baby boomer hippies created the entitlement programs. Now that you lot are collecting you want reform to stop future generations from receiving it to secure your own until you're dead.

  23. These jerk-offs need a History Lesson !!!

    Our many Soldiers fought & died in all the wars while
    shhhtheads like these do nothing but Wine !!!!

    If they were in a so called Socialist country, they would be Dead !!! They better be Thankful they live here !!!!!


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