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Friday, March 22, 2019

Why Is the Mona Lisa So Famous?

The Mona Lisa is perhaps the most recognizable piece of art in the world, but have you ever wondered just why is the Mona Lisa so famous? There are a number of reasons behind this work's enduring fame, and combined, they create a fascinating story that has survived through the ages. To understand why the Mona Lisa remains one of the art world's most iconic images, we have to look at her mysterious history, famous theft attempts, and innovative art techniques.

Interesting Facts: The Mona Lisa
  • The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci and is believed to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco Giocondo.
  • For such a famous painting, it is surprisingly small; it measures just 30 inches by 21 inches (77 cm by 53 cm).
  • The painting uses a number of unique art techniques to draw the viewer in; Leonardo's skill is sometimes referred to as the Mona Lisa Effect.
  • The Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, and wasn't recovered for over two years; she is now housed behind bulletproof glass to protect her from vandals.


  1. It is incredibly small and you are atleast 100 ft away when viewing it
    It's way over hyped. There are 1000's of pieces at the Lourve that are much much better.

  2. Been to the Louvre. Saw the Mona Lisa painting, took a picture (no flash because its prohibited). Big deal. There's a lot of more interesting stuff than that picture in the Louvre.

  3. The only thing interesting about that picture is who painted it. Anybody else, and it wouldn't get a second look.

  4. 10:19 that's the point genius.

  5. I have been there, done that. It was much more interesting to look at the French babes than that little teeny painting. It looks like it's maybe 24 inches by 30 inches, at most.


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