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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

VIDEO: We Build The Wall ‘MAGA All-Stars’ Town Hall – Cincinnati

Our advisory board members held a town hall in Cincinnati, Ohio last week. Speaking at the event were Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff David Clarke, Brandon Darby, Tom Tancredo, and Angel Parents Mary Ann Mendoza & Steve Ronnebeck.

In the clip below, Kolfage tells how the wall campaign started & how it affected the decision-making of those on Capitol Hill. Darby & Bannon speak about Mexico being a failed narco-state, Clarke talks about sanctuary cities, and Tancredo explains why both major political parties have allowed illegal immigration to continue unabated.

More/Watch Video 

1 comment:

  1. I like Sheriff David Clarke have listened to him on Fox with Carlson & Hannity this is a man who knows the arrests records connected to immigrants and the border walls first hand he reminds me of Mike Lewis men for the people and the laws.


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