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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Va. to vote on banning handheld cellphone use behind the wheel

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam is reviving an effort to ban all handheld cellphone use by drivers in the state, a change that would match the laws in Maryland and the District.

“I hope that the General Assembly passes this lifesaving measure,” Northam said at the announcement outside Alexandria City Hall Tuesday morning.

Almost three people were killed per day on Virginia roads last year, and at least 208 of those deaths involved distracted driving. Many more people were injured in those and other crashes.

“Using a phone while driving not only takes your eyes off the road; it distracts your mind as well,” Northam said.



  1. Pass all the law you want! If they aren't enforced, it won't matter.
    I bet half of the drivers you see on the road in Maryland have a cell phone in their hand.

  2. This would indeed save lives why not. There are all kinds of attachments now where cell phones can be attached and you can answer and make calls without the use of your hands, and can focus your eyes at all times on the road. Please just save lives yours as well as others on the road.

  3. Next it will be food and drinks....

  4. Can I still drive while wearing blackface?

  5. Leave your cell phone at home. It's not like your making international deals and millions sucking an egg mcmuffins.

    1. Really, leave your cell phone at home ? Portability is the whole idea of a cell phone, and you have no idea what my calls are about 2:19

  6. I see near accidents everyday due to handheld cell phone use ! A potential clue is when a idiot driver fails to utilize his turn signals - his left hand is using cell. It's all about enforcement !

  7. If you can't drive and talk on a cell phone at the same time, you probably shouldn't be driving to begin with. Cell phones aren't the problem, stupid people are the problem.

  8. Not to mention the paranoid sitting on their hand guns that they are two fat drawl effectively.

  9. I would like a law banning cell phones.

    A cellphone is a technology that should have never been invented.

  10. Cellphones are an evil scourge on this world.
    When I'm walking through the grocery store and all these people are moping around the aisles talking on their phones, I just want to grab them and smash them!

    Rude, common people without any manners with their stupid cell phones!

  11. Well at least you can still apply your blackface makeup at a stoplight in Virginia.

  12. Distracted driving, inattentive driving, negligent driving, are all the same thing (and illegal). Why in the world do legislators have to identify specifically one form of distracted driving, and make it illegal? Do they think that watching TV while driving has to be specifically banned for it to be illegal? How about playing cards with a passenger while driving? Not illegal unless they make a law specifically banning playing cards while driving? Why don't they ban cell phones in a driver compartment like they do open containers. If it isn't available for the driver to use, they won't use it. Nobody doesn't use a cell phone if it is in reach and it alerts to a call, or text. Nobody! That genie is out of the bottle, and its not going back in. But sometimes you have to think that they will use accidents just to justify a new tax (fine) for the legislators to spend. I really don't believe (really!) that legislators are concerned, really concerned, about saving any lives (except their own, maybe).


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