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Tuesday, March 26, 2019



  1. Cortez and her buddy placed almost 1 million in LLC. Deposits were made in strategic sums to keep under the highest federal tax bracket. They chose Delaware because of the ZERO STATE INCOME TAX and LLC only requires a po box number. Oh yeah to make it more swampy it was all donation money. Cortez is a SWAMP CREATURE. Bernie lives in a 98 percent white state that has ZERO STATE INCOME TAX.

  2. I'd rather see the tax returns of someone who claims to be a billionaire and has been bankrupted multiple times. Someone who was investing in Russia before his presidential run.

  3. Dave T: "There are only two places where socialism will work; in heaven where it is not needed, and in hell where they already have it." -- Winston Churchill

    You can't doubt Churchill, he is man who had seen it all.

  4. Investing in Russians 8:47??? You mean like selling uranium to the Russians before "her" presidential run? maybe someone who owns a "non profit" organization that steals money meant for Hurricane victims? How about a president who sends money to Iran? You are a real tool!

  5. Their all just brain dead morons in a quest for media attention. I bet they kiss their own pictures every night and check the news just to see how many times their names are mentioned.

  6. She must not know Bern is a millionaire.



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