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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The Brains Behind AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez


  1. It all fits. Nobody could be that uninformed and ignorant of the requirement of knowing her subject matter and be elected without a highly orchestrated professional effort? She's a straw representative, not a real one, a face to deliver a message, but not the head to actually understand it. She's a willing tool.

    How many other puppets are being lined up and groomed as we speak?
    A House full of Manchurian Candidates may be on the way if we're not vigilant.


  2. Brains and AOC should not be used in the same sentence. Or paragraph. Or, well you get the idea.

  3. same for obama...a nobody! from nowhere! who did nothing! but gets elected.

  4. I pray Many More watch this video. It's staggering.

  5. It is about time people started to wake up and recognize what has been going on for the last decade. How do you think Obama got elected. This is scary $H!%. This is also why they hate Trump so much because they have no control over him. Absolutely none and why it is vital Trump gets re-elected in 2020.

  6. So what’s the difference in corporate dark money and leftist dark money? Clearly she is being used to advance an adgenda but does she really believe it?

  7. It’s so easy to spot a phony. She really does not have a clue without referring to her rules for radicals book. The question is, How many lemmings will follow?

  8. Every one of her appearances on TV should have a disclaimer at the bottom: "This is a paid actor."

  9. She's a puppet, just like Obama was.

  10. How can you go from socialist bartender to U.S. REPRESENTATIVE without getting your string pulled. Not to mention how FREAKING STUPID and inept she is. Besides when is she and campaign manager going to JAIL???


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