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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Teachers’ Union President, Transgender Advocate Push LGBTQ Agenda on Kindergartners

The president of the nation’s largest teachers’ union joined a man who identifies as a woman in teaching transgender ideology to an Arlington, Virginia, kindergarten class last week.

Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association (NEA), joined with Sarah McBride, a spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), in reading the books I Am Jazz and Julián Is a Mermaid to young children at Ashlawn Elementary School.

Did you use our calendar of diverse books to celebrate #ReadAcrossAmerica? We sure did! Share what you read.https://t.co/t3BI7Lt3OH pic.twitter.com/3Jp2gonZJ5

— NEA (@NEAToday) March 3, 2019

“I have a girl brain but a boy body,” McBride read from I Am Jazz, the Washington Post reported. “This is called transgender. I was born this way.”

“I’m like Jazz,” McBride told the children. “When I was born, the doctors and my parents, they all thought that I was a boy.”

“Because society, people around them told them that was the case,” McBride continued. “It took me getting a little bit older to be able to say that in my heart and in my mind, I knew I was really a girl.”

More gender dysphoria here


  1. This is so wrong and so sick. Parents out there with school aged children, please do yourself and your children a favor and put them in Christian schools or home school them, or your children will come home with this brainwashed crap they are handing out now days.

  2. This crap is why I have lost all respect for teachers.

  3. Time for a MASSIVE PROTEST.

  4. If you don’t understand why this is not appropriate for kindergarten then you should be fired.

  5. Dept. of Education. Administrators, teachers, libraries. They have become a vehicle for perverse mental illness we see on public display.

  6. I'm just glad I have the ability to put my daughter in private school where she doesn't have to deal with this and worse.

  7. Home school. If you send your kids to public school they only learn what the government wants them to know.

  8. Now when kids are playing doctor there doing sex change operations, you got to hope they ain't using real scissors on the boys!

  9. Just another reason so many teachers in wicomico county dont belong to the union.

  10. Just ANOTHER reason to get your children OUT of public schools NOW...there are many other reasons, but this is just the latest. WAKE UP!!!

  11. I would not send a child of mine to public schools for any reason. They could lock me up or do whatever they deem necessary, but no child of mine would go to public schools. Any teacher who goes along with this is not worth their salt. For a mere paycheck they are willing to corrupt these young minds and shove off the commie, democrat, socialistic views onto them. The teachers should be ashamed and refuse to teach such garbage.


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