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Sunday, March 03, 2019

Statement From Worcester County Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli

As Sheriff of Worcester County, I am the only law enforcement officer that was elected by and answers directly to the people. I am dedicated to the security of our community and protecting our God given rights as Americans, which includes the rights of citizens to Keep and Bear Arms.

Our founding fathers had the forethought to protect one of the most valuable rights to citizens, the right to protect themselves and their families. The founding fathers found it so important that they listed it right after Freedom of Speech!

I am a firm believer in the second amendment and the right of legally armed Americans to protect themselves, their family and their property. As the chief law enforcement official in Worcester County, I will stand true to my oath and “I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America and to the State of Maryland; that I will serve honestly and faithfully to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Maryland.” 

The Second Amendment is most certainly a part of the Constitution of the United States which I took a solemn oath to uphold and defend. As Sheriff, I will not infringe on any inalienable rights provided to the people or allow other entities to infringe upon those rights.

As the newly elected Sheriff my efforts are focused on protecting and serving the citizens of Worcester County at this time. I support and am grateful for the voices of Sheriff Mike Lewis and all of our Maryland Sheriff’s in Annapolis, and if ever called upon by them I would gladly stand by their side.

Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli


  1. Courageous, and we the people are with you!

  2. I thank you and all the Sheriff's for standing up & protecting our rights.

  3. No one is gonna take my Bear arms!

    1. That is so stupid 10:03
      You obliviously have no clue to what is happening in this country behind our backs. This is nothing to joke about.

  4. I agree but what will Lib prosecutors and Dem judges say ? I say come Try taking them and see what happens liberals.

  5. Not why the founding fathers wrote the 2nd, but I guess it's close enough.

  6. Thank you for your loyalty to the Constitution and the Citizens of those in Your County...I hope ALL Sheriffs across America take this same solid stand.

  7. Thank you Sheriff

  8. A vote for democrats is a vote against America.

  9. Snowflakes think they are going to take away our constitution ? Lol you idiots will be first on the target list.

  10. Even Dems are running away from there own party.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: Finally the start of a backlash against Marxist liberal democrat policies and laws that violate the constitution and the rights of decent, law abiding citizens. Thank you sheriff and all the other sheriffs who have shown the courage to stand up to the idiot politicians. I sincerely hope that this is the beginning of a country wide movement to protect the 2nd amendment. It is a very good start. I hope that these sheriffs will allow constitutional carry in their counties. I resided in Worcester county until I went in the army in 1963. I had been carrying a gun since I was 13 as did most of my friends. Always had a .22 rifle in my car and went shooting on weekends. There was never any issues with violence and certainly not with guns. It was not part of our culture. Not the case in our major cities these days. Everyone recognizes the problem but it has come about incrementally so it was not as readily noticed. If you could compress time and go from 1960 to let’s say, 2018 overnight, our law abiding citizens would be appalled and would probably take drastic action against those causing the gun violence and every other form of violent lawlessness.

    1. Well stated Northwest Woodsman

  12. Sheriffs responsibility is to enforce the law not to write the law or judge the law. This is pure bull and they should be locked up when they willfully, consciously, ignore any law.

    Who do they think that they are ?

    1. Are you a complete moron? The Constitution is the law of the land you idiot.

    2. If a law was passed where if you dislike the color blue you have to surrender your driver's license and car; would you? A "law" that directly contrasts the Constitution (with a big C) is not a law. It is a waste of pen and paper.

  13. Thank you brother! It's why I voted for you, and not your opponent.

  14. Then why didn't you join Wicomico and Somerset county sheriff's in Annapolis? Actions speak volumes over carefully crafted words. This statement is worthless.

  15. 12:32, those Sheriffs are patriots. Past Presidents, Governors, AG's, Mayors and others have ignored Federal laws concerning illegal immigrants for years. I am proud to have someone stand up and publicly take on the monsters who are trying to destroy this country.

  16. Yeah, but unfortunately, the State Police and many city police forces will have no problem abusing our 2A rights. Maybe the Sheriffs of ALL counties should sue the State on out behalf. Hogan won't help us.

  17. cause once they cross that bridge they are in enemy territory!
    funny how those dems are, wearing blackface, calling whole areas "N"county, commuting sex crimes without and penalty, blowing taxpayer funds with little to no accounting. supporting criminals rights but not american citizens rights, enriching themselves and their family members while in office, ok with killing babies but not convicted murderers! Yup really great people to associate with and support!
    WTF is wrong with some of the people in this country?

  18. Will the good Sheriff stand with me when the state or local troopers and cops come to my door to get my guns? I doubt it. What then?

  19. March 1, 2019 at 12:32 PM:

    Wah,wah, sounds like your man lost.

  20. We True patriots will hold the line with the Sheriff's and push the liberals off the bridge when the day comes Soon.

  21. It WILL be the Sheriffs against the MSP.

  22. MSP aka anyone that would write there own family a ticket WILL go against the Sheriff's and the CONSTITUTION.

  23. Thanks Matt! That's why you won the election.


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