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Saturday, March 09, 2019

Special Prosecutor John Huber Has a Message For Americans: Bill Barr and I Will Hold Offenders Accountable and Advance the Rule of Law

Americans will soon find out if Attorney General Bill Barr has the mettle to pursue Obama’s corrupt FBI and DOJ officials who weaponized the intel agencies to target Donald Trump.

John Huber, the special prosecutor tapped by former AG Jeff Sessions to investigate FISA abuses by Obama’s DOJ/FBI, met with newly-confirmed Attorney General Bill Barr this week.

On Friday, Mr. Huber, a US Attorney from Utah, sent a message to Americans — he is committed to holding offenders accountable.

“US Attorneys thoroughly enjoyed our time with AG Barr this week. He is a solid, proven leader with a clear vision for the @DOJ. We will move forward with his priorities, hold offenders accountable, and advance the rule of law,” Huber said on Friday in a tweet.



  1. Awesome!!! Tired of 2 justice's..one for Republicans and everybody else and the one for the true collusion with Russia....Hillary Clinton and the Democrats

  2. Go get em Bill. Let's overcome the double standard.

  3. He better start quick, the liberals and DemocRATS are getting out of control. Someone has to knock them down a few notches. It's like if you keep saying, stop or I'm going to punch you over and over again, at some point you have to punch if they don't stop!


  5. Northwest Woodsman: The man has obvious criminal behavior and intent recognizable in all of the swamp’s activities. Hildabeast and the Clinton Foundation would be a great place to start, however, the sheer amount of corruption would bog down the DOJ to a point where nothing would be accomplished. Maybe that is the plan. Prosecute a few insignificant participants and bog down the system until the mainstream media can do a whitewash and citizens get tired and bored with the whole process. In that way, Comey, Lynch, Clinton, Holder, and the rest of the swamp dwellers will escape any meaningful punishment. Unfortunately, our misguided and manipulated citizens will not be interested in forcing actual justice to be served. Just give them another six pack and lots of National Felony League to watch and they will completely detach from the reality of corruption at the highest levels of our government. Too bad they have the right to vote.


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