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Friday, March 22, 2019

South Carolina Democrats Fight Against University Constitution Course

South Carolina Democrats argued for more than an hour to prevent legislation that would require state universities to teach a “Constitution 101” course Tuesday.

The Republican-proposed bill would update an existing 1924 requirement to teach the course, which the University of South Carolina has hitherto ignored. The legislation has already passed in the Senate, but Democrats in a Tuesday House subcommittee hearing argued the update would be too burdensome on students both financially and academically.

The bill would require students to take a three-credit, semester-long class covering America’s founding documents, including the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers.



  1. This is a no brainer...even if you are a left winger you should need to know what you are up against. MAGA

  2. 2nd Civil war not far offMarch 22, 2019 at 11:22 PM

    You think?

  3. Democrats don't want citizens to be aware of their constitutional guaranteed rights,that way it is easier for them to undermine and little by little destroy those rights. Democrats want a one party government and to control every aspect of our lives and Democrat voters are stupid enough to go along with it as long they can keep getting their gov't paid phone,home,food,doctor and hospital bills paid ect ect ect . Oh and illegal aliens also get all those freebees.

  4. The FREAKING DELUSIONAL democrats need a Constitution course.


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