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Tuesday, March 05, 2019

Shocking! NEW Revelations on Obama's Birth Certificate


  1. Very surprised NO ONE cares about this...It's not the Same report; it's More info and it's Explosive. Apathy at it's best...

  2. Obama's own mother has no idea who his father was. She was a slut who was too busy running around spreading her legs to whoever would give her a second look. Then when he was born like the white trash she was dumped him off on as equally white trash grandparents who couldn't raise their own daughter properly so had no business even attempting to raise a grandchild. His pathological lying is proof that his grandparents were trashy immoral horrid degenerates.

  3. If you didn't vote for him you were racist, if you question his birth place your a racist. Anything negative during his 8 years was Bush's fault. The booming economy now is because of Obama. And Obamacare is good but ruined by Republicans. Lol.

    1. The. I am a Racist and a I love America so I am also a WHITE NATIONALIST

  4. I must be a racist

  5. The biggest lie is covered up by the corrupt media and it seems nobody cares.

    It’s a tragedy and will ensure the demise of our once great Republic.

    Ammo up

  6. If this is legit and it appears to be than actions need to be taken this needs to be brought into a congressional investigation and his whole history as a president needs to be re-written and made a national record.

  7. No surprise he is from HELL !!!!

  8. And yet, nobody, not even Republicans, required proof he was qualified to run for President when Obama was a candidate. Wonder why? Because he was black. Everyone assumed he was a descendant of slaves. To demand his citizenship status would have automatically be reason to be branded a "racist." It why the democrats put him on the ticket. He could hide from all the issues and requirements that all the other candidates had to comply with, by claiming racism. He rode that pony for eight years. Worst thing ever for our country. He set us back 100 years.

  9. Does this mean that everything he did is now null & void?


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